A Hermoza after our own heart and one of the significant muses that drove and inspired the launch of our brand is the incomparable Audrey Hepburn. She was vulnerable, composed, and honest. As an actress, she established a solid reputation for being trusting, observant, and instinctive. She made everything seem effortless and easy, simple even, without losing an ounce of depth, quality, or intelligence in any of her roles or scenes. Her film partners (and everyone else on sets) absolutely adored her spirit because she was, in a word…dazzling.
Her beauty, humor, and talent commanded attention on every screen, and she became beloved for her subtle humility that drew fans into worlds of possibility. She glowed with an effervescence and polish that radiated through the ways she walked, spoke, and dressed, and all were captivated by her.
While her contributions to the film industry were paramount, her presence in fighting the atrocities of global issues was most inspiring to us and her fans worldwide. She was never interested in speaking of herself or her career and rarely did press to promote her work. However, once she saw the plight of children suffering around the world, she used her fame and career to raise awareness for our collective responsibility to instigate change where possible.
Her maturity, confidence, and optimism arose from her childhood in Nazi-occupied Holland. After the liberation, UNICEF provided aid and protection that created the awareness in Hepburn that motivated her dedication to serving others. This joyful, playful, innocent young actress became a driven woman committed to using her voice and presence to compel others to be active in a work that appeals to the greater good.
Moved by her belief that love is the most important force in life, Audrey Hepburn was one of the first Goodwill Ambassadors who called attention to the despair of children surviving in Somalia. Her grief and despair at seeing how much needed to be done were different from her Hollywood portrayal of sweet, demure, shy, young women. As a social activist, Hepburn became enraged by a global denial of the concerns and suffering of children living in war-torn countries. Her warmth and compassion radiated from her as she transferred her hardworking, disciplined ethic as an actor into the work of an ambitious woman of faith and hope. She knew what it meant to be both starving and affluent and was convinced we all could stretch to meet the overwhelming concerns of vulnerable populations.
One of the greatest qualities of our Hermoza woman is her willingness to be of service to others. The grace and generosity with which she gives of herself through kindness, caring, and dedication is the hallmark of her legacy. The Hermoza woman lives an extraordinary life – one that is memorable and remarkable because of her presence and roles in causes and experiences that are significant. No one can ever say that a Hermoza does not actively seek challenges and opportunities in which she can participate.
Take the time to explore and invest in organizations such as UNICEF who make it their work to provide resources and access to underserved communities. Consider how your gifts can be of support to others. Giving back starts with you simply signing up and showing up, which is a low-cost risk any of us can afford. What our world cannot abide is a lack of consciousness or inaction. Discover a cause or issue that is desperate for attention, close to your heart, and get to work. It IS that simple.
Hermoza’s commitment to being socially and ecologically responsible is evident in our practices as a member of the slow fashion movement. We minimize waste from our production processes and reintegrate fabrics leftover until they are insignificant or no longer functionable. We have invested in fabrics that are designed to maintain an heirloom-quality presence in your wardrobe. Gone are the days you must settle for cheap department store selections that disintegrate by the end of each season because of the effects of the sun and consistent wear. The best part of all of this is the fabrics we have selected are also post-consumer recycled waste harvested from the Mediterranean Sea.
Our swim and resort wear is MEANT TO BE WORN & SEEN. We have created exclusive pieces that meet you where you are and can keep up with your commitment to the world around you. Hermoza is the foundation on which you, as a discerning consumer, can radiate the joy and comfort in knowing your life bears meaning. We hope Audrey Hepburn realized and understood how much she inspired women everywhere to be strong citizens of action and presence, committed to leaving this world in better shape than we found it.
So, Hermoza. How are you giving back? What ways have you found to be generous with your time and resources? Raise awareness for your causes in the comments section below or on social media using #hermozaswim #givingback #wellsuited
Besos, Marisa and Tiffany