Together, It’s Game On!
Our co-founder Tiffany’s eldest son was only five years old when he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. The disease changed all of their lives forever.
Change the Game
For the 1.25 million American living with T1D, life looks different. Type 1 Diabetes isn’t caused by poor diet or lifestyle – it’s an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system destroys healthy insulin-producing cells in the body. People living with T1D cannot produce insulin on their own which is a huge issue since it’s the necessary hormone for getting energy from food. Treatment involves multiple blood glucose checks and daily injections or infusions. Children and those who have been diagnosed are struggling with the projection that their condition may cause kidney, eye, cardiovascular and nerve diseases. Type 1 Diabetes is life-threatening illness and the seventh-leading cause of death in the US due to complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis or nighttime low blood glucose levels. However, advancements in research, medicine, perspective, and perception can change all that. November is Diabetes Awareness Month. For us at Hermoza, awareness is only the first step.
Type 1 Diabetes requires a village of family, friends, medical professionals, and educators to support those living with T1D. While the disease is widespread, it has an isolating effect on many families unless they maintain consistently connected to a care network for support, and even still, it remains overwhelming at times.
With a life-changing diagnosis comes a flood of expectations and shifts that leave little time for adjustment or comfort, to say the least. Injections, lost sleep, close calls, and advocacy become the new norm, and lives are never the same. Families dealing with T1D know all there is to know about persistence, and sometimes that’s all they have when on the front lines of a condition that would be debilitating for even the strongest among us.
Communities of #diabuddies and #diatribes have sprung up en masse over the past couple of decades, supporting T1D lifestyles that #livebeyond diagnoses. Especially with the benefit of social media, families and those living with T1D can feel closer than ever to others going through the same challenges and celebrating the same triumphs. Reducing the stigma of living with T1D is another step towards finding hope and a cure. Millions worldwide become guerilla optimists the minute they receive their diagnosis. They alter their patterns and systems to make way for all the management and self-care required to live the best lives possible.
Activities, attitudes, and approaches towards life might look and feel different for those living with T1D, but access to options, alternatives, and affordable treatment should never be another series of things T1D families should have to deal with. With insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors, and self-administered injections being relatively private, it takes advocacy to support others in understanding the frustration, anxiety, and struggle behind the bravery, strength, and humor derived from living a life that is seemingly impossible.
This is where Change the Game comes in.
Giving isn’t just stylish, it’s life changing.
Our Hermoza muse, Audrey Hepburn once said, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.” Nothing rings truer for us or for our brand. Living lives of service is simply how we were raised. The strongest aspect of our muse Hermozas (those in our lives and those icons of screen and stage), is that their hearts were big enough to welcome, guide, protect, and love those around them. We couldn’t be prouder to be a part of Change the Game, a movement that supports others as they lead the way to fighting stigma and finding a cure.
Currently, T1D research is searching for possible future prevention of the disease among high-risk populations. But, according to new studies from the University of Utah, the rising costs of healthcare have made living with T1D a matter of sacrifice and distress. No person should have to choose between well-balanced meals for their families or securing consistent, reliable medical treatment. Organizations like JDRF lead the fight against Type 1 Diabetes by funding research, advocating for policies that accelerate access to new therapies, and providing a support network for those impacted by T1D. As the largest non-profit funder of T1D research, the search for a cure feels and looks optimistic. The latest technology and treatment options should be accessible for every person living with T1D so they may continue to live well while minimizing complications from their condition.
Shop, support, and win.
With your help, the fight and search can continue and can remain promising and can continue to benefit those living with the disease. Buy a limited-edition tee or a hat in November and 100% of the sales will support the fight against T1D. At checkout, you’ll have the chance to donate THE ENTIRE COST of your purchase to the non-profit of your choice.
Upon purchase, you’ll be automatically entered to win 2 field-side tickets to the Oakland Raiders at Los Angeles Chargers game on December 22, 2019.
Not into a hat or shirt? No problem! Our store is also doing its part. Use code: T1D and 25% of your total purchase will go to the affiliate of your choosing. In the fight against Type 1 Diabetes, with Hermoza, your dollar means more! Get yours now so you can show your support for those with T1D on Thursday, November 14th, World Diabetes Day!
NO LIFE should feel impossible. Join us as we rally our efforts and resources in support of families and those living with Type 1 Diabetes to ensure every day is a strong one.
Besos, Hermoza